Mental Growth = Is when the mind is cleansed of all negative memory as well as bad intentional thought. You want to get to a place where the mind is not leaning to past or future thought.
You want to be empty minded and fully present in every moment. That clarity of mind or clear mindedness will evolve into clairvoyance. (Being able to fore see events)
Spiritual Growth = Is an emotional cleansing. When past negative experience and old heartaches have been removed from self.
it is about getting the emotional state clean of all negativity and self resistance, so the internal love that you are can began to blossom out. All decisions and situations you encounter must be dealt with through your love.
Physical Growth = Is when you have advanced to a place beyond unnecessary physical desires. This does not mean that you will not have physical possessions.
~Example: as you grow physically you may come to see you have less materials than before but what you do have will be of better quality. This has nothing to do with price.(Quality over quantity minded)
It means you no longer have concerns or judgements, in regard to what one has or doesn't material wise. Your concern will be their nature! You will feel a heightened sense to keep your body clean in terms of what you put in it and on it.
Example: You may have events or outings where you eat what is deemed bad, or you may drink or smoke. This is fine if you do not do it daily to where you become attached or ill.
Keeping the vessel clean is like a toilet. It will be used and it will become dirty, but if you cleanse it after you use it, it will stay clean longer!.
Note To Students: When starting your path of Spiritual Growth and Clairvoyancy with me, we start with the mind.
The negative thoughts that re-emrge must be transcended or replaced with positive experience, which will spark positive thought. So the 1st stage is transcending thought.
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