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Lessons from Nature: Diet


When you're in tune with Life/Nature you will come to realize all the knowledge we need is being given to us by nature.

Nature provides us with all we need. If you pay attention to when nature provides things you will always know what you're supposed to eat.

Nature produces fruit and vegetables during specific seasons. This is nature letting you know what you should eat and when.

Your Diet should change with the seasons. If you know what season certain crops harvest you will always know what to eat.

July is the time to eat pineapples, cherries and other summer crops. Fall or Autumn is the time for Apples and cranberries.

Most people diet is not aligned with nature. They don't even know it's supposed to be.

I learn from Nature (Life). If you wish to learn diet and all other knowledge directly from nature. Seek Wise Solace for a 1 on 1 lesson!

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