Self Perfection Course: The Mirror Knowledge
All is a reflection of self flaws.
All is a reflection of self flaws.
The peace you seek is within you. It's beneath a lot of inner chaos, but that peace we all seek is already within. We seek to find peace...
Self Perfection Knowledge
In 1648, when NYC was called "New Amsterdam" the first firemen were four guys named Martin Krieger, Thomas Hall, George Woolsey, and...
Wise Solace explains how the KKK started Islam.
Knowledge of cleansing sef of the turmoil and resistance with in.
This post explains where "Apis" is within your body.
This post explains who Bastet is within your body.
This post explains where Nephthys is within your body.
Knowledge of Shu
Islam in Ancient Egypt
Sacred Knowledge of "Khnum & Shamash".
The derivation of mental and emotional disease.
Knowledge of self
The deep Science behind Heru / Horus
This video explains the yuga cycle seasons and it's affect on mankind.
This is a video
Hidden teachings pertaining to The Christ.
Artificial light and its effect on organisms.
This post explains the science behind Heru/Horus