Who is Nephthys
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)This post explains where Nephthys is within your body.
This post explains where Nephthys is within your body.
Knowledge of Shu
Islam in Ancient Egypt
Sacred Knowledge of "Khnum & Shamash".
The derivation of mental and emotional disease.
Knowledge of self
The deep Science behind Heru / Horus
This video explains the yuga cycle seasons and it's affect on mankind.
This is a video
Hidden teachings pertaining to The Christ.
Artificial light and its effect on organisms.
This post explains the science behind Heru/Horus
Ancient Egypt Scholarship
The Knowledge of Hathor
This post explains knowledge about the ib and its connection to the Islamic deity "Iblis."
This post is about the connection between seminal fluid and the Iris of your eye.
This post explains what a yuga cycle is and its orders.
Knowledge of the forces within that bring you down.
This post explains how man has the ability in his spine to float or fly.
This post explains what a Yuga cycle truly is.