Aliens Are Demon of Old
Aliens are demons of old
Aliens are demons of old
Aliens are demons
Who is The Mesopotamian God Shamash
Knowledge of Pride
Shedding the ego knowledge
Lesson on Self-Worth
This video explains what the symbols are in sacred geometry.
Balance & Honor lesson
Shedding negativity and negative people.
A Video explaining hate in a way you've never heard.
Secret about language
Secret Knowledge on Hate
Flower of Life Explained
True knowledge lies behind your fears. Fear makes a person run from things. If fear is put in front of the truth, the fearful person...
Secret teachings of The Christ
Self perfection
The ear is before the mouth. Hearing is before speech. Speech is dependent on hearing! Clarity in your speech is dependent on how well...
Deep Ancient Egyptian Knowledge
Christ Knowledge
Your emotions and your scent